75: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Have you ever had a questions and wanted some advice but wasn't sure who to ask or what the repercussions might be?

Well, I am starting a new advice column called - Dear Homegirl.

You can ask me anything! I will offer my advice and share your story, anonymously of course, and ask my community to provide their advice too! The first edition of Dear Homegirl came from Homegirl on a Hamster Wheel. She has been chasing carrots at her current employer for a long time but she hasn't yet been promoted. She has other offers but isn't sure whether its time to leave or is she just chasing another dangling carrot.

Tune in to here my response.

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Have your own question you want anonymously answered?

Visit https://www.abbycornelius.com/dear-homegirl

to submit your question today.